Persian Captivity Attempt to Iraq
Confirmed Intentions to Obliterate Identity, Culture and History
Many years after Khomeinist revolution in (1979), Iranian penetration of Arab Iraq took place through that Persian plant that was established in Iraq, as elsewhere, from militias, parties and supporters, who sold their homelands to its enemies, so that the dreams and aspirations of the occupier were fulfilled. That Arab infiltrator who facilitated the Persian presence and influence may, at first glance, believe that he won a sectarian victory, but he soon discovers that he has lost dignity and independence for sectarian victory. Perhaps most of those who belong to Islamic Dawa Party, which fought a bloody conflict with the former Iraqi regime In (1979), were refreshed for a while by their sectarian victory. However, very soon they discovered that they had sold a homeland with its dignity, pride, fatherhood and history in favor of the enemy. Most of them could no longer help but delve into the service of the Persian party to ensure survival and support.
Iraqi Dawa Party has a bloody record in modern and contemporary history, since it was founded with a sectarian reference loyal to Iran and its implementation of a series of terrorist operations against Iraqi government since (1979); death sentences were issued to a number of party members for high treason to their homeland and to Iraqi people. Many of them fled and moved from Syria to Iran, while some stayed in Syria until the year (2003) and the fall of the Iraqi regime, where some of the party leadership became responsible for internal organizations during their presence in exile, which was inspecting the activities and formations of the party inside Iraq from time to time.
With the passage of time, the sectarian clique residing in Iran became key tools of Khomeinist movement against Iraq and its regime. As soon as the Iraqi regime fell and the American occupier arrived in April (2003), victorious members of Dawa returned from Iran to Iraq. The Transitional Ruling Council was formed and a president was appointed for the Interim National Council, from which the “De-Baathification Commission” emerged, formed by the American ruler of Iraq, Paul Bremer, between the years (2003-2004).
The first elected Iraqi government was formed on 20 May 2006. The Head of the Islamic Dawa Party aspired to run for the position of prime minister of the new government, but he was met with strong opposition from other national blocs. When the representative of Dawa Party ran, his tenure witnessed developments in Iraqi-Iranian relations in the years (2008-2014). The new government sought to build a dual alliance with Iran and the United States, seeking to establish a kind of balance between the American military presence and the Iranian political presence. Iran worked to exploit that in the face of local threats from its political opponents, as it worked to neutralize the Shiite Sadrist movement that opposes its political and religious interference in Iraq. It created a loyal alternative through the Supreme Islamic Council and, in return, Iran supported Maliki government and mobilized enough votes for it from Shiite parties to form a clear parliamentary majority.
In addition, Iran sought to rebuild its historical legacy in Iraq, so it restored the religious school in Karbala, in which Khomeini studied in his youth and also sought to circumvent international sanction, by using Iraq as its economic gateway towards the world. In 2013, the President of the Iranian Trade Development Organization (Karmanshahi) stated that Iraq received 72% of Iran’s total foreign exports and became the largest importer of Iran’s exports. That was demonstrated against and protested by the Iraqis, who considered that as part of the corruption files of Maliki government. Iraqis considered it one of the worst stages Iraq went through in modern history, after documents and Integrity Committee revealed several disgraceful files condemning the sectarian Maliki government.
Among the most prominent corruption files that took a wide dimension is the file of arming Maliki government, was that the Contracts Committee concealed the fate of billions of dollars under the pretext of purchasing weapons, while there are no weapons. It was found that many of these weapons were purchased at prices more than they deserve, and some of them are consumed or used in war Second World War, in addition to the exchange of millions of dollars in bribes between officials of the Ministry of Defense. This was already evident at the time of Iraqi army’s inability to confront the weapons of ISIS during the attack that led to the invasion of Mosul and Salah al-Din in (2015). This included a major corruption file for a fictitious military hospital, for which a billion dollars was dispensed, to provide modern and advanced services to the military. However, it turned out that the hospital does not exist on the soil of Iraq. There is also a file on planes that were purchased from Russia, and it turned out that they are the Iraqi planes that Iran did not give permission to land during the American war against Iraq and had to land in Russia at the time. The Party government returned those planes as new and purchased from Russia.
The most harmful type of corruption to the Iraqi people is the scandals of selling people in the military bases of the Iraqi government at that time, as military officials established detention centers in their military bases, where they used to arrest people and then return them to their families in exchange for large sums of money. This was practiced by the military closest to the head of the puppet government. Among the most prominent types of penetration and corruption in that government was the discovery of 16 private banks that were withdrawing money from the Central Bank of Iraq with fake receipts worth of millions of dollars, which were sent to Iran to help it bypass the international economic sanctions imposed thereon.
Sectarian Iranians sold people, illusion and pain to Iraq.

Regardless of the details of corruption and its countless files of Dawa Party as supported by Khomeinist Iran in Iraq, there remains that political product, the tampering with the legacy and history of Iraq in this way and the attempt to obliterate its identity and show it through a partisan sectarian government that perpetuates corruption and considers it a general situation and culture in a country of civilization, values and principles such as Iraq. Shu’ubi, nationalist and sectarian message was clear by the Persians in Iraq, where Iraq was considered a Persian slave. However, this did not last for long, as Iraq entered a state of recovery from a catastrophe that almost destroyed it.

1. Shaalan Ibrahim, Guardianship of Faqih Theory and Islamic Dawa Party’s Position thereon”, Iraqi University Journal, Issue 44 (2019).
2. Fouad Al-Amidi, “Islamic Dawa Party.. Establishment and Political and Religious Activity between 1957-1974 AD”, Journal of Human Sciences, University of Babylon, Vol. 26, Issue 2 (2019).
3. Al-Watan Bahraini newspaper, “Who will hold Al-Maliki accountable for his crimes, from identity destruction to financial corruption?”, 19 July 2022.
4. Salah Al-Khursan, “Islamic Dawa Party.. Facts and Documents,” Journal of Social Sciences, Kuwait University, Vol. 27, Issue 2 (1999).