Persian racism
against Arab Muslims
In his book entitled “Arab Shiism and Persian Shiism,” the Iraqi researcher Nabil Al-Haidari documented the ethnic racism of the Persians towards everyone, explaining how the Persians introduced many intellectual deviations, ideological problems, fads and rituals in the Shiite doctrine throughout history, especially the Persians who were scattered in Kufa, as they carry a heritage in the sanctification of kings and the placement of God’s titles on them, and after they adopted the Shiites, they transferred their culture with them, and entered that aura, that is, they took the attributes of sanctification for their kings and introduced them into the Shiites.
The researcher confirms that, after the Safavid state took power in Persia (1501 – 1736AD), its role expanded significantly in the perversion of Arab Shiism and the establishment of Persian Shiism, especially during the time of its rule during the reign of Shah Ismail Haidar Al-Safawi (1478 – 1524AD), which brought together the religious and international authorities, and it was surrounded by many preachers of the sultans, such as the sailor councils, who contributed to the abolition of the other, and in converting Iran to Persian Shiism by taking coercive methods based on misconceptions, not without hatred, hatred, atonement and insults.
Those reasons eventually led to their ethnic and inferior view of the Arabs, and successive generations inherited that view, and perhaps the reason for the hatred of the Persians began since Farouk Omar bin Al-Khattab took power, then the Arab conquest began with the battle of the bridge led by Abu Ubaidah Al-Thakfi, followed by Muthanna bin Haritha, and the killing of their Persian leader, “Mehran” in the battle of ” Buwaib ” called the tenths, as many of the soldiers of the Arabs killed ten Persians. Then the Battle of al-Qadisiyyah led by Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas, took place. It was the battle, in which “Rustam“ who was considered to be one of their greatest leaders ran away. Later, the cities of Persia fell one after the other, until the capital Ctesiphon, known to the Arabs as Madain, from which Yezdegerd bin Shahriar ran away.
With those successive defeats, they did not accept Islam or tribute and remained on their worshipping of planets, fire. They declared their hostility to Muslims, especially that non- Arabs started to convert to Islam, and that is what drove them crazy. They feared the superiority of the Muslim Arab, and the spread of God’s religion. Hence, the Persians aimed to fight using their leader Yezdegerd, and the Muslims fought back using Hashim ibn Utbah, fought them in glory. As a result, Yezdegerd had to flee again to plan for another fight, in which he might win.
The confrontation was in a battle that was recorded in history, namely the conquest of Nahavand, led by Al-Nu’man ibn Muqrin, who was martyred. After the martyrdom of Al-Nu ‘man, the Muslims led by Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman dug into the Persian memory to strip the Hormuzan of his ornament until he was taken as a prisoner to Omar in the city.
Indeed, the victory of the Muslims over the Persians was the beginning of a new covenant. They carried with them the principles of Islam that aimed to spread unification, justice, and good manners. Through such principles, the poor and the rich, equally, wee pleased, the oppressed got their rights back, hence, the spread of the doctrines of Islam.
Still, they should be careful as enemies of Islam shall be always awaiting for the right moment to fight.