The thug, Fakhri Pasha,
who had degraded the Noble Prophet's Mosque!!
Four major crimes were committed by the thug, Fakhri Pasha, against the Noble
Prophet’s Mosque during his leadership of the Ottoman Army (1915 AD) facing the people of
Medina and the Arab knights surrounding it from every side. Each of these crimes is
deemed unforgivable, a crime that cannot be disregarded, and practices are not justified,
especially since there were in Medina, one of the holiest holy sites of Muslims.
Medina was – as always – in tranquility and peace, and a haven for worshipers,
neighbors and visitors, until the thug arrived in his convoy with his seventy thousand
soldiers, who narrowed the paths and roads of Medina, so they wreaked havoc and forcibly
deported its people. Then, they built barracks, camps and garrisons in every yard and
corner, accordingly, food was scarce for, they seized it; they deprived women and children
of it to the extent that they dug graves and ate cats and dogs.
The mission for which General Fakhri Pasha, the thug, came to hastily from
Istanbul was – undoubtedly – carving out and joining Medina to the Ottoman Sultanate for
fear of its liberation at the hands of the Arab knights, then the fall of the Ottoman caliphate
forever would became inevitable by the liberation of the Two Holy Mosques out of its
Meanwhile, the Arab knights are stationed outside Medina, and Fakhri Pasha is holed up inside, but he forgot the sanctity of Medina, or let’s say: it was not part of his culture nor the culture of those who sent him i.e. the sultans from whom no one has made a pilgrimage to the holy lands. Therefore, he considered it as a discarded castle in the Russian Crimea, however, it is Medina where the Prophet and thousands of companions and Followers and Followers of the Followers rest until the day of the ill-fated arrival of Fakhri Pasha.
In order to fortify and keep Medina under the control of the Ottomans, despite the restlessness of its people and their yearning for independence from under the Ottoman occupation, Fakhri Pasha began his first crimes against the Prophet’s Mosque.
The first crime ... transforming the Prophet's Mosque into a camp for soldiers and a weapons storage:
Fakhri Pasha transferred the Prophet’s Mosque into a camp for the Turkish soldiers
and ordered weapons to be stored there.
The Medina historian Ahmed Saqr describes the state of confusion and chaos that
afflicted Fakhri Pasha’s leadership in Medina, saying: “The leaders – the Turks – issued an
order in the morning then revoked it in the evening; for example, Fakhri “the insolent
“ordered to transfer weapons from the castle to the Prophet’s Mosque in Al-Manakh
Square. Then, the soldiers transferred it, “as he said:” The victors deliberately committed the
most horrific crime of taking the Prophet’s Mosque as a military barracks; military missions,
varieties of dynamite, explosives, ammunition, and supplies, even the millstones with
which they grind their grains, were deposited as the confident source told us after
departure”. To illustrate, the Ottomans had transported massive quantities of ammunition,
cannons and explosives through the train to the center of Medina, and stored them in the
famous fortress, in the camps and in the house of soldiers; nevertheless, Fakhri ordered to
transport most of this military equipment to the Prophet’s Mosque until it piled up inside its
yards and under its corridors, to the extent that any ignition, fire or stray bullet would
directly turn the Mosque to rubble.
The second crime: transforming the minarets of the Mosque into fortresses of war.
Fakhri Pasha was not satisfied with his first crime of transforming the Prophet’s Mosque into a camp for soldiers and a warehouse of weapons, but he exploited the Mosque for his struggle to keep the occupation of Medina as long as possible. Clearly, he seized and turned the Mosque to a platform for war, then he ordered the installation of cannons at the top of the minarets to bomb the Arab knights stationed in the valleys adjacent to Medina, and also to bomb the attackers if they forcibly entered Medina as he had thought.
Indeed, the soldiers raised the cannons, inserted them into the cavity of the minarets and pointed their nozzles in every direction. Fakhri Pasha also sent a large number of soldiers to station on the roofs of the Mosque and inside the minarets for sniping and monitoring. Fakhri Pasha in fact did turned the Prophet’s Mosque into a large fortress for the army, where they would move, debate, and draw up military plans, despite the divine guidance that says in the noble verse: “O believers! Do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak loudly to him as you do to one another, or your deeds will become void while you are unaware.”
The third crime ... theft of prophetic valuables.
After his heavy losses, Fakhri Pasha felt that Medina was on the way to liberation, and despite the orders of his leaders to withdraw from Medina, he insisted on remaining; committing another of his crimes against the Prophet’s Mosque and the noble Prophet. It was the stealing of the Prophet’s valuables and deporting them to Constantinople – Istanbul, after he sent a proposal to his leaders, upon which the Ottoman government immediately agreed to his request on the condition that he would bear full responsibility. Therefore, Fakhri Pasha planned to bring the train into the Prophet’s Mosque through Al-Anbariya to Bab Al-Salam. To execute his plan, he ordered the demolition of the houses that lie on the road and forced the rest of men and women to work in the works of demolition, removal and cleaning as long as they were provided with food without pay.
Indeed, the train reached Bab Al-Salam, then the people of Medina knew the great
secret that they had always wondered about for two months when they saw Fakhri Pasha
soldiers enter the sacred prophetic room and steal gifts and valuables, then deport them on
the train travelling to Istanbul. Fearing their restoration or people’s objection, Fakhri Pasha
assigned 2,000 soldiers to guard the valuables.
More radically, Fakhri Pasha and his soldiers were not satisfied with stealing the
valuables and prophetic gifts, but on their way they stole the crescents of the minarets and
the libraries of Medina.
The fourth crime: Exhuming the immaculate grave.
Perhaps it is deemed the most heinous crime committed by Fakhri Pasha, immortalizing his name in the record of thugs against the Prophet’s Mosque and the honorable buried body of the Prophet, and no one had ever dared to think about exhuming the Prophet’s grave except for those who had no religious deterrent or conscience. However, Fakhri Pasha did, a fact that was proven by one of the French documents on the stage of the Ottoman occupation of regions of the Arabian Peninsula, including Medina, dated on June 1917) 13 AD), sent by the French Minister in Cairo – the ambassador – to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris referring to the intention of Fakhri Pasha to exhume the grave of the Prophe. Meanwhile, the documents of the French mission in Egypt indicated that an Egyptian engineer fled from Medina after Fakhri Pasha asked him to modify the beacons of the Prophet’s Mosque to equip them with machine guns and cannons, in addition to exhuming the grave of the Messenger of Allah to ensure the existence of the honorable body. However, the thug, Fakhri Pasha, did not retreat except when the Muslims in Medina and the surrounding countries had Known and the news spread, justifying his ugly intention that he wanted to verify the existence of the honorable body in the grave.
In addition to the secret French document that stated the unprecedented incident in Islamic history, Al-Qibla newspaper issued from Makkah Al-Mukarramah published in its 86th issue dated 21 Shaban (1335 AH), another proof consistent with the French document in confirmation of the transgressions of the thug Fakhri Pasha.
Thus, Fakhri Pasha immortalized his name in the memory of the Arabs inhabiting the Arabian Peninsula, especially the residents of Medina, as he attacked them where they were neighboring the noble Prophet, even dared to attack his Mosque and the gifts of his room, and finally he tried to exhume the grave where the Honorable body rest. Obviously, we are not talking here about a military commander who performs the orders of his commanders, but rather about a thug who was carrying out his agenda in cold blood against the innocent and defenseless inhabitants through persecution, displacement, starvation and identity revocation.