"The Transcendental view of the Persians and the Populists against the Arabs"
The Persians used a special strategy in their dealings and struggles with the Arabs. The Persians did not accept the Arabs in ancient history, so how could they accept them after the Arabs were chosen to deliver the message of Allah, so we find that the Khosrow The Magians when the Messenger of Allah -Peace and Blessings be upon him- sent him a message calling him to Islam, became angry, and he tore the message of the Messenger of Allah -Peace and Blessings be upon him-.
The truth is that the Arab-Islamic victory provoked the Persians, so they searched for the secret of the Arab victory, and tried to understand how the young Arab state, with its limited capabilities, could bring down the Persian Empire. They discovered that this was due to faith and faithful leadership, so they tended to devise different ways and means of targeting Islamic faith and leadership. The Islamic conquest of Persia came with its profound effect on the Persian psychology and the Persian obsessive mentality, which in turn created a painful psychological knot, the “immortal glory of the Persians”. Until that date, the Persians thought that they were the masters of the world. The Persian mentality has been linked – since ancient times – to the desire to control, but rather to singularity, and its political influence controls the lands of Iran, Iraq, the eastern Arabian Gulf, some of its west, and Yemen. This has created for the Persians what can be called the “superior outlook” on all peoples, including the Arabs.
Indeed, from the first moment until now, the Persians have refused to fully integrate into the all-encompassing Islamic identity. Throughout history, they have sought to avenge their historic defeat before the Arabs, after their military efforts failed to confront the Arab Muslims. The Persians adopted another approach to resist the new religion and its propagators through what is known as the Populist movement, which represents one of the factions of the conspiracy plan on Islam. Populism attacked the Arabs, bearing the banner of Islam, and the owners of the Islamic State, in their history and lifestyle, and attacked Islamic history, the Arabic language, and challenged the origins of Islamic values. Perhaps the first to speak out about the idea of a malicious populism is a poet named Ismail Bin Yassar, who is the son of Tim Bin, who is a Persian, who lived in the last era of the Umayyad, and did not realize the era of the Abbasid state.
If we review most of the revolutions in the history of the Umayyad state, we find that the Persians have a supportive footing for those revolutions with the aim of violating the sovereignty of the Islamic State, starting with their participation in it against the Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, and their participation in the Mukhtar al-Thaqafi’s Revolution and others.
They played an important role in spreading the Abbasid call at the beginning. this didnot happen for the not love of the Abbasids, but in revenge against the Arabs, and to split their ranks and break their unity. We do not overlook the work of Abu Muslim Al-Khorasani, who published the Abbasid call covered with Persian beliefs and principles under the mask of religion, and the principles of justice and equality Populism, as Ibn Qutaybah describes it to us, says: “Populism is the result of envy and it pushes Arabs away from all virtue and towards every vice attached to it, and exaggerates in words, and exaggerates in vilification. It almost led to blasphemes, if it wasn’t prevented by the sword.”
Excellent poets promoted and fought for populism. They openly expressed their hatred for the Arabs, or they implied it in their literary works. And, perhaps one of the most prominent Persian poets is Bashar bin Bard, who tackled his Magi beliefs, saying:
The earth is dark and shining is the fire
Another example is the poet Abu Nawas, whose tendency was clear to the Persians, his praise for them, and his tithe with them, which made him disapprove of the Arabs living in the desert. He is influenced by the Persian luxury and Persian civilization. And from his poetry, in which he mourned the aversion of the Arabs and the slander and the rebuttal of them and his praise for the Persians, he said:
“Crying over the remnants of Banu Asad,
And the people of Tamim and Qays,
And praising the Persians saying:
And the Persians are known to be so distinctive”
Perhaps, the most famous populist in the Abbasid era is Sahl bin Haroun, who served the Abbasid Ma ‘moon and was the one responsible for his treasury in Baghdad. Some historians described him as “a populist of Persian origins, expressing having hatred feelings against the Arabs.”
To this day, the Persians have continued to discredit the Arabs and try to challenge them through malicious methods. Perhaps, what we hear about and see on social media about the treatment of Arab visitors to Iran is the best evidence of this. They are not always welcomed, and they are usually subjected to expulsion from hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions, in hatred of everyone who is an Arab.