Bahrain...The Gordian Persian knot against claim, fraud, and forgery
The Kingdom of Bahrain formed a historical knot for Persian Iran, which kept claiming that this Arab country is an integral part of Iran. This knot made the issue of subjugating Bahrain a fixed point in the Iranian strategy, which was activated during the events of what so-called Arab Spring, had it not been for the intervention of the Saudi Arabia’s “Rock” to save Bahrain from the clutches of the mullahs.
The dream of subjugating Bahrain to Iranian influence requires an objective historical rooting, which examines the reasons for this “obsession” with occupying a sovereign state and an international figure, in order to understand and dismantle the Iranian allegations, as well as some of the Iranian-British scrambles over Bahrain, and what are the circumstances that helped in the emancipation of this country Arab from the grip of the Shah of Iran?
In this context, the Persians did not like Al Khalifa success in returning Bahrain to its Arab embrace, and were desperate “to survive due to the invasions of neighboring countries,” before “the British dominated the administration of Bahrain for a century and half, starting from 1920s.” Until the year (1970), when they imposed their political, military, and commercial influence on it, as they tried hard to preach the principles of their Christian religion, and sowed the seeds of sectarian, denominational and tribal division on the other hand.
The Persians did not like Al Khalifa family success in returning Bahrain to its Arab embrace after occupying it during the seventeenth century AD.

The Iranian claims of sovereignty over Bahrain for centuries contradict with the fact of historical testimonies that prove that the Arabs inhabited Bahrain for centuries BC, after the spread of Islam, Bahrain continued to follow the Arab Islamic countries, until the Iranian occupation in 1602 AD, with an implicit recognition of the rule of the Arab tribes in Bahrain, after the Iranian withdrawal in 1783 AD, Al Khalifa took control of it.
In this regard, it has not been proven that Iran has exercised real sovereignty over Bahrain outside the system of occupation that is not recognized by international laws and norms, just as the people and the land (as two basic of the material components of the state) had no structural relationship with Iran, therefore it is not possible to talk about the exercise of sovereignty by Iran on the territory of Bahrain.
If Iran relies, among other things, on the agreement concluded on August 30 (1822) between the British Resident in the Arab Gulf, Captain William Bruce, and the Emir of the Shiraz region who occupied Bahrain, such this agreement is considered void “given that the British Resident have no right to define areas of sovereignty in the Arabian Gulf, so that the British government punished the Resident for exceeding his powers, and transferred him from the Arabian Gulf.
Perhaps the sovereign giver was decisive in Britain’s approach first, then the United Nations secondly, towards consulting the Bahraini people, who affirmed their independence from Iran, which was expressed by the fact-finding committee headed by the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Vittorio Winsper Giuciardi, which arrived in Bahrain on the 20th. April (1970), “During this period, the UN envoy met with activists and elites… The question posed by the UN representative to the people of Bahrain he meets: Do you want Bahrain’s independence? Or do you want it to belong to Iran? The people’s answer was: We want Bahrain to be an independent state.”
It should be noted that the principle of self-determination approved by the United Nations General Assembly under Resolution 1514 of December 14 (1960) applies to Bahrain as it had a material and political presence for centuries and is not a recent political formation resulting from the separation of another political entity, which contradicts the same principle. The resolution, especially its sixth paragraph which stipulates that any attempt to undermine the national and territorial union of states is in contradiction to UN principles and goals.
Establishing the right of self-determination for the “Bahrain nation” and rejecting any affiliation to any political entity that is guaranteed and protected by Resolution 1541 of December 15 (1960), which stipulates that integration takes place “as a result of region people desires, which they freely expressed, accompanied by their full awareness of the change in their status and by known democratic methods, applied with all impartiality”.
The broad consultation of the Bahraini people confirms that the popular referendum is not and was not the only mechanism that reflects people’s opinion in determining their fate, just as Bahrainis, despite their differences on a number of issues, some of them not agreeing with the official political line, but they were unanimous, Sunni and Shiyah, about the demand for independence from any political entity, whether it is Britain, Iran or any other entity.
It can be said that Bahraini people’s attitude yesterday, and Ahwazi Arabs attitude today, definitively confirms that the Arab person rejects, by instinct, any dependence on a political entity with which he does not share the same spiritual vessel and the same ethnic connection, therefore the Arabs, regardless of their differences, are jealous of their Arab affiliation, especially when It is associated with a religious nature that originated in Islam, merged and blended with the Arabic language, which turned into the linguistic incubator of the last heavenly message. Thus, the worldly ethnic dimension related to the sacred religious dimension, to create for us a nation that God blessed with Islam, and made its religious expression unified in the language of the Qur’an.

- Taj al-Din al-Taei, Iran’s Strategy Towards the Arab Gulf States (Damascus: Raslan Publishing House, 2013).
- Abbas Busafwan, “The Complete Story of Iran’s Abandonment of Bahrain Subordination’s Claim to Persian Lands“, Al-Nasher website:http://www.abbasbusafwan.net/arabic/?p=1332
- Rashed Ahmed Al-Hunaiti, The Principle of Exporting the Iranian Revolution And Its Impact On the Stability of the Arab Gulf Countries, Master Thesis, College of Arts and Sciences, Middle East University in Jordan (2013).
- Radwan al-Sayyid, Arabs and Iranians: Arab-Iranian Relations in the Present Time (Beirut: Arab House,2014).
- Muhammad Abdullah and Bashir Zain al-Abidin, Modern History of Bahrain (1500-2002) (Manama: University of Bahrain, 2009).