Far Maghreb Countries were Hard to Be Overpowered without Treachery
Historical documents show that far Maghreb countries have witnessed internal simmering dispute since 1535, especially in Fez and Meknes, between Saadi State and Wattasid State. The latter has sought the help of Turkish soldiers in order to resolve the conflict. However, those soldiers were not satisfied with such case, they also sent to the Ottoman Pasha of Algeria telling him about what was happening and how they joined Al- Wattasi who generously bestowed upon them. They also confirmed to the Ottoman Pasha the necessity of sending supplies to them. They clarified to him that Fez was better than Algeria and that its people were the most the obedient who had no power to defend, especially that they, i.e. Turks, took control of the castle as well as the weapons and equipment included over there.
Nevertheless, what Turkish soldiers thought was superficial and far from the truth. Immediately after that, people of Fez besieged them and brought them down the city. When the soldiers knew that their death was imminent, they asked to be safely left. However, people stipulated that they should completely surrender. The dispute ended with most of them fleeing while Maghreb has returned to the power of Saadi State. Due to such conflict, as clarified by some historians, evil gates were opened.
Mohammed Al- Sheikh, the Sultan of Saadi State, lavished money on Turks who remained and assigned them to guard him and his residences. When he went to Marrakesh, he made them stay near his palace, and charged them with guarding his gate. He extremely treated them with kindness, as they became, according to historians, his retinue while Saadi did not know the end they would face.
Simultaneously, Suleiman the Magnificent sent a message congratulating Sultan Al- Saadi for his victory and conquest. That was how sultans of Al Othman spoke as they considered every victory to be a conquest. However, Al- Saadi noted through the correspondences arrogance expressions implied in the formulation of the letters so he was reluctant to translate the letters. It was not far until he received a message demanding him to declare nominal and moral subordination to the Ottoman authority. It was from Suleiman the Magnificent and included, “Al- Sheikh should follow the path of previous Sultans from Bani Marin who used to praise Al Othman on their pulpits, while some of them wrote our names on their money and coinage”.
As for the Sheikh, he harshly replied as he sent with the Turkish envoy, Saleh Aga, a reply to the letter, which implied that the response will be in Egypt, meaning that he would eliminate Turkish control from Maghreb countries, and he might include Egypt to save it from brutal Turkish occupation that entered there in 1517. Historians have documented that the Turkish envoy went out in terror of the reaction of Sultan Al- Saadi.
Due to such heroic attitude, Suleiman the Magnificent decided to get rid of Al- Saadi by treachery as they assassinated him and put his head in a bag of salt and bran which was taken by soldiers of Ottoman Sultan to Istanbul where it was delivered to Grand Vizier who was told that the task was completed. At that time, Suleiman the Magnificent ordered to put Al- Saadi’s head in a copper weave that would be hung on a castle gate. A traveler said that heads of many people were hung in Istanbul and the public did not know why. When they asked, they were told, that those people were renegades and dissenters who should be eliminated. Such reasons were deliberately spread among the public in order to diffuse fear among them. Of course, such practices as well as others had political repercussions, as well as economic and social impact on the people causing terror, disintegration and instability.