The poet Abu-Al Beqaa was at the lead whose verses never made a move.
Bayezid II met the delegation
of Andalusians with a cold heart
Although the new Ottomans revived the cause of Andalusia, at the end it was nothing but a story of forged heroic tales and a re-falsification of the history of the Ottoman Sultans who put their Turkish interests before any other interest.
The falsification carried out by the new Ottomans is nothing but a political exploitation directed at common Muslims who do not know the true history of the Ottomans in failing the Muslims of Andalusia and abandoning them to meet their fate, as the fall of Andalusia coincided with the assumption of Sultan Bayezid to the command of the Ottoman Empire. With Spain imposing the worst forms of torture against the Muslims of Andalusia and what the Inquisition did there; The people of Andalusia had no choice but to seek the help of the Ottoman Empire and other leaders of the Islamic world, so they began sending delegations and ambassadors to Sultan Bayezid II.
It is a historical coincidence; The fall of Andalusia coincided with the fall of the Abbasid Islamic Caliphate in Cairo by the hands of the Sultans of the Banu Uthman, and the Umayyad Caliphate of Andalusia by the hands of the Spanish Crusaders.
The same period in which Bayezid II and his son Salim I ruled the Ottoman Sultanate between (1481 AD1520- AD), and instead of rescuing Andalusia, Salim’s armies tended to pound the Arab Islamic countries from the Levant to Egypt and then to Al-Haramayn while the Andalusian strongholds were falling one after another during the period Between (1490 AD – 1526 AD).
The activity of Bayezid II and his son Salim I after him was limited to the southern front, as the dispute with the Mamluks escalated day after day, as the Mamluk forces were able to defeat many of the Ottoman armies. Bayezid’s policy of appeasement with the Safavids in Iran led to the outbreak of many anti-Ottoman movements, and allowed more Safavid influence in Anatolia, at a time when the Andalusians were tasting torment by the hands of Christian extremists in Granada, and the Arab Muslims were tasting another kind of torment from the Ottomans who occupied Cairo and killed ten thousands of its civilian population.
Nevertheless, the new Turkish machine continues to spread lies and fabricate fictitious heroics about Bayezid II and his son Salim I, who abandoned Andalusia and left it to its painful fate.
The ideologues overridden the Ottomans’ stance on the cries of Andalusians during the reign of Bayezid II and his son because it was shameful.

The researcher, “Abd al-Salam Kamal,” relays the details of the hasty arrival of an Andalusian delegation to Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, that was led by Sultan Bayezid II Ibn Muhammad al-Fatih. The head of the delegation delivered an influential distress message – preserved by history – from the Muslims of Andalusia to the Sultan. He mentioned in its intro:
“Your highness; May Allah convey your happiness, supreme your word, pave your lands, dearest your supporters, and humiliate your enemies. Honorable Lord and governor of our religion and our world, Sultan Al-Malik Al-Nasir, savior of the world and religion, and the Sultan of Islam and Muslims, who suppresses the enemies of Allah- the unbelievers-, the cave of Islam, and the supporter of the religion of our Prophet Muhammad, the one who revives justice, and the fairer of the oppressed, the king of Arabs and non-Arabs, the Turks and Daylam, the shadow of Allah in his land. The One who applies His Sunnah and His imposition, King of the two lands, Sultan of the two seas, Protector of Dhamar, and the oppressor of the infidels, our Lord and our governor, our shelter and our savior. the one who is followed by many supporters, coupled with victory, the one whose history and impact are preserved, known for glory and pride, the one who acquires the good deeds and shall be doubled in the hereafter and the pleasant praise, and victory in this life. The one whose desire is to fight for the sake of Allah “Jihad” devoid from the enemies of the religion of its power, what comforts hearts and weapons, spending souls for the sake of righteousness; choosing the path of winners of Allah’s satisfaction and obedience on the resurrection day of all people”.
In spite of this Andalusian delegation, and the sophisticated letter that clarifies the situation of the Muslims of Andalusia; However, nothing happened by Bayezid, nor his son Salim after him.
In poetic verses that summarize the call to action that did not take place and the Ottoman abandonment of the Muslims of Andalusia, the poet Abi Al-Beqaa Salih bin Sharif describes the tragedy of Muslims in Andalusia and the treachery of their enemies, he says:
The Scandal of the Ottomans in Andalusia was resounding.

In spite of this call to recourse; The Ottomans preferred to stay away from Andalusia and its tragedy, preoccupied with their war against the Mamluk state in the Levant and Egypt due to conflicts that began during the reign of Sultan Mehmet Al-Fatih (father of Sultan Bayezid II).
Abu Al-Beqaa Al-Andalusi recorded painful incidents in his poetry that was recited before Sultan Bayezid in which he mentioned the names of cities whose inhabitants were tortured or burned or slaughtered with the sword, saying:

1) Aspects of Ottoman culture … Abd al-Salam Kamal.
2) Military activity in the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Sultan Bayezid II .. Ilham Youssef.
3) The Andalusian poet Abu Al-Remandi is a poem called “The Lament of Andalusia”