They Praised Their Offspring and Changed Their Names..

Repudiated Everything that was Arab

The phenomenon of hostility and grudge towards Arabs became apparent in official practices. One of those hostility phenomena was the Turkification policy, as well as rejection of everything that was related to Arabs in anyway. They changed their names as Arabic names were changed to pure Turkish names. Some Arabic supplications were changed and converted into their own supplications.

They worked on publishing books that support the Turkish national orientation.

Turks also deliberately dismissed, ignored and excluded Arabs. This is confirmed by the fact that some official authorities affiliated to federalists fought Arabic language and its literature. They worked on publishing books which support Turkish national orientation. They have also sought to impose Turanian history, praise Oghuz offspring. Theorizing the claim that Turks are the greatest nation in the world; so that it was chosen to lead the world and its sovereignty, they created literary features for their Turanian culture through recalling the history of their ancestors.
Racist movement against Arabs became widespread in Turkish government departments. Federalists have expelled Arab advisors from the Ottoman government during the reign of Abdul Hamid II. They prevented them from entering the central elite of their Committee (Union and Progress). Ruling was left for Turks only as they dismissed all Arab Ministers except for the Ministry of Endowments which they kept for Arabs but this did not last long until they made Turks take it over.

Federalists dismissed all Arab Ministers from government.

Subsequently, federalists Turkified the University of Istanbul as they appointed (Shamsulddin Kun Al- Tali) as a professor of history there; because he was known for his strong distaste and hostility towards non- Turkish elements, and his adherence to Turkinism. He wrote, in eastern Turkish history, his book which he titled (From Past to Future). 

Obliteration became worse as higher authorities of Turkish State decided a critical precedent towards Arabian heritage. After hearing the speech of the President of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, upon opening session of the new council, the council decided the compulsory use of Latin letters after a certain period. Then, they directly printed school books in the new letters. Official departments were required to write their reports and conduct their processes in the new letters provided that the use old letters shall end.

Turkish Language Association was formed to be the last treacherous blow against Arabian heritage in Turkey. Turkish writer (Roshan Ashraf en Ayden), who was the Turkish ambassador in London, published a book which implied how the Society for Research on the Turkish Language was founded. The writer has mentioned that he was invited to the Presidential Palace of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in the evening on July 11, 1932. He found Ataturk in a meeting with the members of the Turkish Historical Society. After Ataturk had finished discussing historical issues, he turned to the attendees and said: “Now, we have finished the works of historical conference, I think it is time to inevitably think of our language issue. I suggest that we establish a new association called the Society for Research on the Turkish Language which shall be concerned with linguistic affairs in terms of derivation, morphology, and origins of the language; as well as creating new expressions and parsing issues.”

President Ataturk took a personal interest in excluding Arabic language and replace it by Turkish language.

The Society for Research on the Turkish Language held four major language conferences which have been headed by the President of the Republic Kemal Ataturk in person, in 1932. They aimed at eliminating Arabic language, the language of the Holy Qura’n; and using Turkish Language as the official language of the state. In addition, processes of the state shall be conducted in Turkish language instead of Arabic. Society for Research on the Turkish Language was a racist phenomenon of hostility and grudge towards anything related to the heritage and culture of Arabs, even journalists had to revise Turkish language and get rid of Arabic vocabulary. 

Certainly, the amount of Turkish grudge towards Arabs drew the attention of the President of the Turkish Republic, Kemal Ataturk, in person to the Society. He attended the Society meetings and conferences for Turkish language, and to eliminate Arabic language, the language of the Holy Qura’n. This confirms the extent of grudge and hatred of Turks towards Arabs.

1. Fuad Hamza, Wsf Trkya Alkmaliah (Beirut: Dar Al- Jadeed, 2013). 

2. Memoirs of Suleiman Faydi and Basil Sulayman, 3rd edition, (Beirut: Dar Al- Saqi, 1998).

3. Naeem Al- Yafi and Khalil Al- Musa, Arab and Armenian Struggle against Ottoman Colonization, (Damascus: Dar Al- Hiwar for Publishing, 1995).